1. Tickets

Take into account that if it is an international trip, buy them at least three months in advance, and if it is a national trip, with a minimum of 1 month. Also, if you are more advantaged in technology issues, the IP address of the computer from which you make the purchase must be the same country of destination.

  1. Travel In Low Season

Generally, everything in the low season is cheaper, both hotels shows and tickets. Also, you will find a few people, which will allow you to enjoy your trip better. For example, Madrid in June is very cheap.

  1. At Higher Scales, A Lower Value In Tickets

Usually when it is a long trip and if you have time to plan the trip well, you can make long trips with indirect routes. This will be reflected in lower total value, than if it does so directly.

  1. Secondary Airports

When traveling to main cities that usually have two airports, one primary and one secondary, choose to arrive at the secondary; It will significantly reduce the costs on the tickets.

  1. Accommodation

There are now many alternative ways of not staying in a hotel and staying in cheaper places. Exchange houses, take care of pets in exchange for lodging or choose a home through specialized pages to rent in seasons, the market now offers greater options that reduce costs and provide other benefits.